
How To Gear Up For Seasonal Allergies

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How To Gear Up For Seasonal Allergies

As the temperature rises and flowers bloom, many people dread the onset of seasonal allergies. 夏天过敏 会很讨厌, 引起任何打喷嚏的组合, 流鼻涕, 眼睛痒, 发痒, 恼怒的喉咙, 咳嗽, 喘息, 甚至疲劳. Some allergy symptoms can be so severe they’re even mistaken for an upper respiratory infection. You can prepare for seasonal allergies and minimize their impact on your daily routine in several ways.

People worldwide suffer from allergies (sometimes also known as Hay Fever or Allergic Rhinitis). Common triggers include pollen from trees, weeds, grasses, dust, and mold. Knowing what triggers your allergies can help you take the necessary steps to avoid or minimize exposure.

是什么? 季节性过敏的症状?

Seasonal allergies can cause a variety of symptoms, but the following are the most common:

  • 打喷嚏: Frequent and repetitive sneezing that happens in spurts, 或者阵发性打喷嚏, is one of the most common symptoms of seasonal allergies.
  • 流鼻涕或鼻塞: Seasonal allergies cause your nasal passages to inflame and produce excessive mucus, leading to a runny or stuffy nose and the sensation of drainage down the back of your throat.
  • 眼睛发痒或流泪: Your eyes may become red, itchy, dry, and/or watery - a significant annoyance for many people.
  • 喉咙痛: The nasal passages and throat inflammation can cause a scratchy sensation or a 喉咙痛.
  • 咳嗽: Seasonal allergies may produce a 咳嗽 or trigger 喘息 in some individuals. Children, in particular, can be prone to 喘息.
  • 头痛: Headaches and facial pressure may occur due to inflammation and mucous production in the sinus cavities. Difficulty breathing: In extreme cases, seasonal allergies may worsen asthma symptoms in asthmatic patients. Talk with your doctor to have an asthma plan in place if symptoms occur, and always seek emergent care if you have difficulty breathing.


If you are experiencing seasonal allergies, there are several easy measures you can take to help manage and even prevent your symptoms. Here are five tips put together by Dr. Elizabeth 鲁尼迪 with UF健康街. 约翰Primary Care at Greenbriar to get you started:

  1. 确定触发因素: Knowing what triggers your allergies can help you avoid exacerbations or worsening of your symptoms. 在大杰克逊维尔地区, 桦树季节性爆炸, 月桂树的果实, and elm tree pollen can happen in the spring. 检查当地的花粉计数.e., via the WeatherChannel app) or look for a yellow dusting on cars and outdoor surfaces to know when allergies may get worse.
  1. 避免园艺杂务: Various garden activities like lawn mowing and weed pulling, 尤其是在春天, can increase allergen amounts in the atmosphere surrounding you. Avoid such chores during a seasonal allergy period.
  1. 保持良好的卫生习惯: 勤洗手, especially after being outside or around pets, 能帮助减少接触过敏原吗. Taking a shower after spending time outdoors can also help remove pollen and other allergens from your skin and hair.
  1. 药物: The best treatment for seasonal allergies is prevention. 如果你知道自己有过敏症, get out ahead of symptoms by taking a daily non-drowsy antihistamine coupled with a nasal steroid spray. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist for brand recommendations if needed. Try to avoid relying too much on decongestants, as these can cause adverse effects if used chronically.
  1. 考虑免疫疗法: If allergy symptoms are severely impacting your daily life, consider discussing a referral to an allergy specialist for testing and immunotherapy or “allergy shots” with your doctor. Allergy shots involve regular injected doses of the allergen that triggers your symptoms. Over time, your body becomes less sensitive to the allergen, reducing your symptoms' severity. Allergy shots are usually given over several months or years, and they are generally safe and effective.

What Are Some Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies?

If you're looking for natural ways to manage your symptoms caused by seasonal allergies, here are some home remedies you can try:

  • Steam inhalation can help loosen mucus and relieve congestion. You can use a humidifier or take a hot shower to create steam.
  • Use a saline solution for the nasal rinse to flush out allergens and improve nasal congestion.
  • Eating honey from local bees may help build immunity to local pollen. The scientific evidence supporting this claim, however, is limited.


Enjoy the outdoors despite seasonal allergies. 在全球正规博彩公司平台app, we offer a variety of allergy testing and treatment options designed to help you manage your symptoms and breathe easily.

Our experienced doctors are available for in-person or 虚拟的护理 appointments to address colds, sinus issues, earaches, allergies, and more. 访问 弗拉格勒健康+ 与…预约 Dr. 鲁尼迪 or to find a provider for your allergic situation and get relief.