
Diagnosed With Heart Valve Problems? 我们可以帮忙

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Diagnosed With Heart Valve Problems? 我们可以帮忙

“You have a problem with your heart valve.” Is a statement that’s made more often than you might think. Although your heart is designed to work at tip-top capacity, it can experience many problems throughout your lifetime. This includes heart valve malfunctioning.

You still have options if you're diagnosed with a heart valve condition. Medicine has come a long way in the past few decades. This means that you and your providers, including our world-class cardiologists, should be able to devise a plan to give your heart the care it needs.

What Are Common Heart Valve Issues?

Ideally, your four heart valves would work as expected. When they don’t, they can cause your blood to circulate poorly. For instance, a valve may never have formed entirely. As a result, your blood can’t flow properly in and out of that valve. Or a valve flap may “leak” because it doesn’t shut completely.

Over time, valves can lose their flexibility, too. This causes a constriction that reduces the amount of blood that can pump through the heart.

Why Do Heart Valve Problems Happen?

There’s no one reason that children and adults have heart valve problems. Sometimes, it’s related to genetics. Other times, it may just be a function of age. And a heart that’s defective from birth may be predisposed to heart valve issues. 甚至 流感发作 have been correlated to incidences of cardiovascular disease, including heart valve concerns.

Regardless of why a heart valve problem occurs, it should be treated soon. This avoids complications like heart attack, blood clotting, and stroke.

How Do Providers Treat Heart Valve Concerns?

关于 treatment, leaky heart valve conditions must be treated based on their core problem. Sometimes, a provider may recommend surgery to correct a valve that isn’t working as expected. Traditional and minimally invasive surgery to replace or repair a heart valve can return the valve to working order.

Can Heart Valve Problems Be Treated with Medication?

有些. 药物, including beta-blockers or diuretics, can ease the signs and symptoms of heart valve issues. However, medications are not replacements for heart valve surgery.

Can You Heal a Heart Valve Without Medical Intervention?

Are you someone who likes to choose holistic medicine whenever possible? 你可能会想 how to heal the heart valve naturally.

Though you can’t do anything to reverse the course of a malfunctioning heart valve, you can make exercise and diet changes to improve your heart capacity. This will at least put less pressure and stress on your heart valves while you and your provider decide the best treatment solutions. Yet, you shouldn’t pull back on 预防性保健访问 if you have a suspected or known heart valve condition. A doctor or specialist should monitor your progress to avoid preventable complications.

What Is Heart Valve-Supporting Exercises and Nutrition?

毫无疑问, best exercise for leak heart valve 任何动作都有问题. Low-intensity activities encourage your heart valves to function as close to normal as possible. A stroll around the neighborhood or a bike ride on a safe path can be suitable for your heart valves.

From a dietary perspective, go for heart-healthier foods to support your valves. Choose foods high in nutrients like omega-3 fats, 维生素, 矿物质, 蛋白质, 复合碳水化合物. Avoid too many processed foods since they don’t add value to your diet.

What Signs Might Indicate a Heart Valve Issue?

Now that you know more about heart valve problems, you should be on the lookout for any indicators that you might benefit from a medical professional’s assessment. Some of the common signs associated with heart valve concerns include:

  • 胸部不适
  • 呼吸急促(气促)
  • 心“杂音”
  • Swelling in your extremities
  • 高血压

Of course, you can’t diagnose heart valve conditions or diseases yourself. That’s why you must maintain a close relationship with your preferred provider.

Don’t have a preferred provider or want to switch to a different doctor or specialist? 联系 弗拉格勒健康 在圣. 奥古斯汀,FL. Our award-winning team members and state-of-the-art health care facilities help us deliver exceptional patient experiences and outcomes.