
Everything You Need to Know About Carpal Tunnel

Everything You Need to Know About Carpal Tunnel

Have you ever experienced a 刺痛 sensation in your fingers and wondered what was causing it? Maybe your hand fell asleep, you had a pinched nerve, or perhaps you have carpal tunnel syndrome. If you’ve ever experienced carpal tunnel syndrome, you know just how difficult it can make your life. Not only do you experience 疼痛 and discomfort, but carpal tunnel syndrome makes it hard to complete your day-to-day tasks. Without the proper treatment and 腕管运动, carpal tunnel syndrome can be hard to beat.  

Below, we’ll go over carpal tunnel syndrome, the symptoms, and the treatment options. 


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that can lead to 疼痛, 麻木, and 刺痛 in the hand and forearm. It’s caused when the median nerve – one of the major nerves leading to the hand – gets compressed or pinched. 

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome? 

Most carpal tunnel syndrome cases have no leading cause, although women are 3-4x more likely to be affected as well as people aged 40-60. Here are some possible reasons you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome:  

  • Hereditary: A congenial predisposition is most often the case with people who have carpal tunnel syndrome. Some people are born with naturally smaller nerves or have other anatomical differences that run in the family, making some people more susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome — namely women.  
  • Wrist trauma: Acute carpal tunnel syndrome can be found in people who have suffered trauma to their wrists. Exercise for carpal tunnel syndrome is essential if you are healing from wrist trauma.  
  • 健康状况:糖尿病, 甲状腺问题, or rheumatoid arthritis are some conditions that can also lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. 
  • Fluid retention: Fluid retention can be caused by several things such as pregnancy, 药物治疗, 血液循环不畅, 或者心脏问题. 当你保留液体时, 你的身体反应是肿胀, which compresses your nerves and can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. 
  • Poor habits: Obesity and cigarette smoking have been linked to carpal tunnel syndrome as well.  


The main symptoms of carpal tunnel are: 

  • 麻木, 刺痛, 手和手腕都有灼伤, 特别是大拇指, 指数, 无名指 
  • Feeling of pins and needles in the fingers 
  • Occasional shock sensations that radiate into the thumb, 指数, middle, 无名指 
  • Pain and 刺痛 that radiates to the shoulder 
  • 手的弱点 
  • 手指肿胀 


Treatment for carpal tunnel involves behavioral modifications, 休息, 冰, 戴手腕夹板, 抗炎药物, 可的松注射, 腕管运动, 和手术. 这里有一些你可以做的事情: 

  1. Wear a splint at night – Wearing a splint at night will keep your wrist from flexing during the night, 并为你提供更好的睡眠. A common side effect of carpal tunnel is insomnia due to the 疼痛 from wrist flexion over long periods of time. 当你的手腕弯曲, it decreases the space available in the carpal tunnel and causes compression on your nerves.  
  2. Get regular steroid injections – There are 9 tendons that pass through your carpal tunnel, 当有肿胀时, 神经受压. Getting regular injections will decrease the swelling in your tendon lining and increase space for the median nerve, 提供救济.  
  3. Take anti-inflammatory medicine – This can help reduce swelling and mitigate 疼痛, 类似于类固醇注射, 并提供短期救济.  
  4. Exercises – Carpal tunnel exercises such as wrist flexion stretches and tendon glides are perfect ways to strengthen the muscles in your wrist and keep them from getting tight, 减轻一些痛苦.  
  5. Yoga – In a similar vein to exercise, studies have shown a correlation between yoga and carpal tunnel syndrome relief, such as improvement in 疼痛 and grip strength.  
  6. Surgery – This involves the division of ligaments and muscles in the carpal tunnel to create space for your nerves, 降低压缩, 疼痛, 越来越灵巧. This is a long-term solution that we often recommend to people severely inhibited by carpal tunnel syndrome.  

The great thing about Flagler Health+ is that we offer virtual treatment. Many of these treatments and exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome are easy to do from home. You may be inte休息ed in our virtual care options if you are looking for more convenient care for your Carpal Tunnel.  

Carpal tunnel can be disruptive to your day-to-day life, but thankfully when you do 腕管运动, you can help not only treat and alleviate your symptoms but also strengthen your arms, 手, and wrists to prevent carpal tunnel from coming back in the future. Contact the expert team at Flagler Health+ to learn more about carpal tunnel syndrome.